Tuesday, February 6, 2007

I'm 100 percent sure......

-that the People who tried to kill me and ran me out of Los Angeles twice in one year are Scientologists. The Church of Scientology pays an obsessive amount of attention to outside observers. Anyone ever catch themselves being filmed by them with some sort of camera?
Anyone out there been living near one of their celebrity Centers for a while?

There are many cases in Germany of real estate companies owned by Scientologists abusing and torturing their tenants in ways very similar to the way in which I was harassed. Germany has declared an Alert and has been struggling in the court system for years. It's Common Knowledge that Bill Clinton defended them (in Germany) only to influence John Travolta's depiction of him in the film Primary colors.

I Beleive that the real estate company "E.G.L.PROPERTIES" , who owned my apartment building, both of them, both of the Buildings I was forced to Leave, are Scientologists. The first one was Carlton Park Apartments 5922 Carlton way 90028, The second one is on Lexington just above Santa Monica Blvd 3 Blocks east or west of Van Ness, Somewhere in the 5600s on the right side of the street heading east.

I want to make it clear that my life has been permanently damaged by my experience this year, along with my mind. I'm also pretty sure that the Church of Scientology is Manipulating, Employing, Housing, torturing, abusing, and doing God knows what to thousands if not millions of Illegal Immigrants throughout Southern California.

I began to feel recently that I was being bombarded with Aural signals and panic after I sent an E-mail to E.G.L. PROPERTIES in which I informed them of my suspicion. Weather this is the result of some sort of conditioning or brainwashing done to me during my tenancy at 5922 Carlton way Apartment #207 where my bed was just below a window on a public Balcony that was always filled with people standing around for unexplained reasons, or if there actually is some kind of chip in my head or all of the above is the enigma.

(since writing this I've become more certain that I was implanted with a chip. When I returned to L.A. in 2006, the Scientologists were waiting at the Marina when I moved in. They could follow me anywhere. The chip would explain how they were able to track me, not to mention the snatches of conversation I sometimes "pick up" One bit of conversation stated that David Miscavige has a contract out on my life. I have no choice but to act as if these words are true.)

I didn't create this urban legend during my flight from L.A. I found out recently that there's a name for people who believe they've been implanted with chips. I.M.P.s or Implanted mind people. There's a father and son from California who were Russian immigrants, The son was implanted first, and then the father, According to their story this was done to them because the CIA suspected them of being K.G.B. spies. Another such individual was a man in San Francisco arrested for trying to buy Drugs, who believed that this was done to him in an attempt to control the Drug trade. It's easy for me to get confused about things in a post 911 America where everyone knows that the President's spying on them, weather or not they've managed to anger and offend a dangerous cult that gets away with murder, and I mean this literally folks, because they seem so damn silly that most people could care less about them.

You'd care a lot if you'd been with me in my apartment that night in September when I pounded on the glass and screamed at the top of my lungs, or if you'd seen the man I saw in 2000 outside The Tamarind Ave. Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre, A man in a white T-shirt who was obviously suffering from several weeks of sleep depravation, crying, screaming at the top of lungs, as he brandished a red brick in his right hand, trying to defend himself against 4 scientologist security guards who surrounded him. Cassidy was among them. He was trying to get away and they wouldn't let him. It seemed so normal to me that I did absolutely nothing about it. I don't remember whether or not this happened before or after they found tenants dead body a few doors down from mine in my sleeper-unit at the Shangri-lodge. I'm pretty sure this was 1999 but it might have been 2000.

My friend's brother was kissing Beck's* ass for awhile. I consider this to be extremely relevant because this same brother said "They got him." when his sister mentioned how she hadn't seen me in a while. When she asked what he meant, he answered "Scientologists."(this was a couple of years ago) *Beck is an Assinine Scientologist musician

It may be worth mentioning (and I sure hope it isn't) that I once hit on his younger sister and on another occasion sent an angry e-mail to his older sister after we had a personal falling out. People can get pretty angry, especially when they have access to private conversations and e-mails.

Beck is a scientologist. If her brother has had any dealings with BECK, and he has, than I'm pretty sure he's had dealings with Scientologists. Since Scientology is all about mind control and power, he may have been deeply affected by them without even noticing.

I know for a fact that he once had a roommate who was a Scientologist. This guy told me that L.Ron Hubbard had "done so many great things for the world" and tried to get me to read a new age self-help book that must've been published after Hubbard's death, because I don't remember seeing his name on it. I'm pretty sure that this "Brother" is the real life inspiration for "Silas" on the Showtime series "Weeds." The relationship between him and sister who may have inspired Mary Louise Parker's character was simply changed from brother and sister to mother and son.

I'll go you one better. In 2002 or 2003 I received an absurdly unflattering review of my "Album Mirrors to Heaven and Back Again." I defend my work elsewhere in these postings, that's not the point.

The review came from something called DELUSIONS OF ADEQUACY reviews. This review has been up for a long time and has changed repeatedly over the years despite the fact that the C.D. was released so long ago. The first version of this review would make it too obvious that it came from the scientologists. It accused me of being on crack when if anything the album needed some crack to help me work despite the sleep depravation I was enduring. I sound like I can barely stand up, yet I managed to record that music. Anyway, this review was strange, inaccurate, and mean spirited.

My friend, who was possibly the basis for "Nancy Botwin" of "WEEDS" has a new friend. His name is CRAIG MC and the DELUSIONS OF ADEQUACY. He seems to be staring me down from his profile image. The Scientologists are very angry with me right now and rightly so. They want to relax but they can't get rid of me and everything seems to backfire.

*2/4/07 This situation is worse than I thought. He's not only a close friend of "Nancy"s, but she considers him part of her family. He's also dating "Nancy"s younger sister, who I fell embarasingly in love with around the time of her wedding. If this DELUSIONS OF ADEQUACY is the author of this strange review I recieved in 2002, and he has to be, than this would all be an extraordinary coincidence unless of course I'm absolutley right.

The only thing extraordinary at work here is how disgusting Scientology is. The silliness and idiocy are a part of its veneer. These things I've been telling you are the reasons for secrecy and mystique. The facts are not as romantic as the mystique, but in this case they happen to be just as extraordinary. I remember the name Craig appearing on an early version of this review.

"Nancy Botwin"s brother "silas" is in a band with this person.

I can't prove anything of course, but I can see a Polaroid developing. I'm going to shake the hell out of it.

My friend didn't think anything of her brother's comments, obviously, since she mentioned it to me. No one ever does. That's how they get away with this shit!

Is anyone friends with a fucking detective, Does anyone's uncle work for the office of homeland security, and would somebody with respectability and a voice that matters worth a damn in this world please look into this shit! Good God,

Just imagine how tragic it would be for me to be right about everything while the world ignored me. I figured out what was being done to me, and the people doing it tried to kill me. Everyone in that fucking building 5922 Carlton Way knows that Alan broke into my apartment and tried to poison me. It's a fucking fact. Does anyone know Alan? Does anyone Know anyone that lives there? Does anyone know anyone that lives in a building owned by E.G.L. Properties, they've got a dozen different names, but if you live in Hollywood, Look for the signs, Do your neighbors ever go to work? Do you come home to find that two locks on the front door are locked when you only locked one? It's possible that you're being fucked with as I've been fucked with.

Typically cults and sects and any kind of fucked up organization that hypnotizes, Brainwashes, or "Coerces" people doesn't run the same program on more than one person to prevent camaraderie among targets.

I've visited sights run by other so called I.M.P.'s and these are very disturbing people. I think there's a good reason they're too disturbed to make sense to anyone.

One individual I ran across has been talking to Jesus to cope with the voices in head. Let's say this guy was telling the truth about being implanted. Who'd believe him?
Not me, and I was screaming about Scientologists putting a chip in my head all the way to the emergency room. I didn't calm down till I had them X-ray me to prove there was nothing there. I never saw the x-ray, I'm afraid to ask for it now. I had never heard of I.M.P.s. How the hell did I go so very suddenly from being an eccentric but loveable Art-school drop-out/Hollywood Pot-head to having anything in common with this group?

I recognize all of these things. I remember everything that ever happens to me.


You've messed with the wrong person. DO you understand?! You're going to have to fucking kill me! I'll never give this up. I'll never forget. Someday someone who isn't Ethnic, unusual, or immediately dismissed as an insane person by friends, family, Authorities, or anyone will prompt an investigation. The world will find out what you've done to me. I will have justice. You know I'm coming back to L.A. Right, You gonna be waiting for me at a fucking Tommy Burger? You gonna arrange an Accident in front of me and have a Cop find meth emphatamine you intend to plant somewhere? Fuck you!

This is what happens all the time. Truth is stranger than fiction. That's a well known cliché. Sometimes truth is even stranger than bad fiction. Sometimes reality is mind-blowing.

I'll say it Again, Talk to Alan. If you want a description of the fat fuck read the rest of my postings. For Christ's sake would somebody, would one person please wake the fuck up and recognize the terrible things that happen around you.

Ask questions. Think. Struggle to think. Fight the current that prompts you to do otherwise. It's strong. This is still America. No one has the right to do what was done to me at Carlton Park APARTMENTS at 5922 CARLTON WAY by the church of scientology.

If anything happens to me, the people who read this blog had better believe it was no accident, it was no suicide, it was no coincidence. These people tried to kill me. They've run me out of L.A. twice. I'm going back to L.A. Because it had truly become my home, and no one's going to take that from me while I'm Alive.

L.Ron HUBBARD was a failed sci-fi writer who also happened to be impotent. If you're impotent the least you could do would be to create brilliant science fiction. This guy was just shit. His books are all shit. His followers are idiots who've allowed themselves to become brainwashed and owned.

That's right...JENNA ELFMAN is a fucking idiot. Kirstie Alley is gone. Janeane Garofalo is gone. The celebrity Camel people are more ignorant about scientology than anyone on the outside.

The church has complete control over everything that they are allowed to know as well as everything they believe and understand.
Maybe they figure it out eventually but by that point their minds are camel property.

Anyone ever talked to Beck?

He doesn't have much to say does he?

I've always hated that asshole.

Tom Cruise was getting hard for them to control, but they've taken care of that shit haven't they. Does no one wonder why the President does nothing about this? Why hasn't the F.B.I or the C.I.A done anything about this? These bastards have files on Ice-T but they allow this shit to go on.

Putting up with the Mafia is one thing, but the American people do not deserve to have their lives affected by the workings of this sickness in anyway. SHUT DOWN SCIENTOLOGY. FIGHT SCIENTOLOGY. CHALLENGE SCIENTOLOGY. QUESTION SCIENTOLOGY. Forget the damn celebrities and take a good hard look.

I miss Sinatra

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