Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Jesus Christ! These Bastards are after me again. I cant believe I came back To L.A. thinking Id suffered a goddamn nervous breakdown. I heard them on the other side of the fence when I was living on the sailboat, but I didn't want to go down that road. I took my seroquel like a good little paranoid schizophrenic and went to bed. How many people have they done this to? How many people are they watching? I heard one of them say that I wasn't respectable enough.

They were right. Nobody believes me, including my closest friends. When I try to tell anyone what happened to me they all decide to keep their distance. I have no voice. I have no status. I have no rights and I have no protection. Jesus Christ I don't want to leave. I love Los Angeles more than anyone can imagine.

Supposedly there only about 50,000 of these little ass-crackers in the entire god-damn world despite their claim of having millions of followers, but around here they are a tightly knit community. I should've known something was up when those strangers started snapping photos of me at the Hollywood/Vine subway station. I knew my phone had been tapped when I heard an echo on the line, but I figured it was just the President crawling up my ass. I did vote Democrat after all.

I could tell that I was being followed everywhere I went but I figured it was only the Mexican Revolutionary army giving me a scare after I publicly expressed my concerns about illegal immigration.*(Actually I was right both times)

Seven years ago I lived across a narrow side street from a building that looked like Cinderella's castle. Cinderella didn't live there and neither did sleeping Beauty. The people inside were members of a cult founded by a failed sci-fi writer. *(The building is the Shangri-Lodge.)

This was common knowledge to anyone half as smart as a camel, especially since their veneer was laughably transparent. Still, there were fifty thousand members. Where did they find all these camel people? Some of them were major Hollywood celebrities.

The failed Sci-fi writer who founded the camel cult in the 1950s had learned mind control and hypnosis from his mentor, who was also a cult leader and renowned Satanist. When his Satanist mentor died, king camel seized the crown and began his own cult. He was impotent among other things, and therefore money, his first priority, would not be enough. He wanted power of biblical proportion and absolute control of the entire world.Part of his plan from the very beginning was to acquire Hollywood celebrities.

There are lots of high-falutin camel folk these days. The most well known camelIs an actor called Paul Roam.No ones done more for the camels than Paul. Even Ill admit that he appears to have super human powers and a keen awareness of a universe beyond our understanding. I sure hope the cameras are rolling when this camel starts to crack.

*(obviously he had already started to crack by the time I wrote this. The water squirting incident was staged to show how restrained and civilized he is. The Camels would never let anyone get close enough to spray him otherwise.)

Most camels are far from celebrities. They are an even mix of immigrants and starry eyed mid-westerners who at one time or another were suckered into accepting a personality test or responded to a sign that said Now Hiring. These are the camels to fear.

I was standing outside my apartment one night waiting for jazz. I was in no mood for chit-chat when a peon camel security guard approached me from across the street. I could tell immediately that he wanted information, and my intelligence had been insulted before he even opened his mouth.

His movements were an ugly mix of affected gestures even as he walked, and when he stood next to me, rested his foot on the guard rail and leaned on his knee like a five year old in a school play about Roy Rogers, I had made up my mind. I hated him.

He was wearing a blue T-shirt with the Camel Cult Logo on the left breast. The logo was a disgusting layering of a serpent tail, a twisted pentagram, a cross and the letter X. Underneath the logo was a name tag that read: CASSIDY. I wanted very much to kill him. Things got worse when Cassidy finally spoke. "Nice night isn't it?"

*I once witnessed a man in a white T-shirt and possibly pajamas on the lawn in front of the Church of Scientology Celebrity Center. He surrounded by four security guards and trying to defend himself with a brick. He was crying and struggling to walk. He was trying desperately to get away. I was just as terrified as I was indifferent. I did nothing, perhaps because I myself was being conditioned by Scientology without my knowledge. Cassidy was one of these security guards.

*on the day of the incident in 2005 I heard through my chip that "Cassidy has risen through the ranks!" while I hid at "Superman's apartment and wondered what I should do. Unfortunately I made yet another attempt to call the police. They almost arrested me.


(from 'Daybreak At Bloom In The Valley' by ZEK LIGHTNING)

Blame it on the eighties. Close your eyes and talk to Reagan. When you recognize the world you'll know you've made it. Welcome home.

Here's to a beautiful morning. I'm pouring a tall glass of red wine and filling my pipe with the ganja. I'm stepping out onto the balcony. Palm trees are moving in sweet smelling wind.

The bright sky's a deep shade of Hollywood blue and I'm happy almost, but the black smear is coming.

I may not survive in the end. It's a tragedy.

Suddenly some evil thunder erupted from under the lily white clouds of the morning.

Polluting the sky was a black helicopter. The noise was an awful intrusion, like scores of machine guns that fire invisible bullets.

It hovers above me for hours. I'll have to leave home if I wish to enjoy peace and comfort.The Black Smear has come to usurp morning Glory.

I had a beautiful dream once. I walked all the way to the ocean from Gower and Sunset. I traveled through Hollywood, Beverly Hills and then Century City. The main streets are empty as if I alone walk the earth. It is 3:00 am Christmas eve 2001.

I was halfway across Santa Monica when evil thunder erupted above me again. They had followed me into my beautiful dream. I alone walk the earth in the beam of a searchlight. If not for the Black Smear, this world would be heaven.

Somehow this dream is a life-like encounter with truth and I'll die in the beam of a searchlight.

The tide washes over my hand as I kneel. I collapse on the beach under so many Stars. I hear beautiful voices of beautiful women. My eyes slowly open. The Mermaids are singing.

The black helicopter is swiveling. Control of the searchlight has just been neglected. Glass cracks and sparks fly. The copter comes down in a hard hitting spectacle meant just for me.

In my beautiful dream I know all of their faces, and nothing can hurt me when I hear them singing.


The following Hollywood products are potentially the result of me being spied on by Scientologists with deep connections and ties to the entertainment industry.

HYDE: THAT SEVENTIES SHOW: Wore a watch-band identical to the one I've worn since my father gave it to me when I was in high-school, affectionately refers to friends by their last names, and was eventually revealed to be a very unrealistic mulatto, whose father was played by Venus flytrap.

* The actor who plays this character once entered Hollywood Toys and Costumes where I was working. He made a of point of looking me dead in the eye. He's also been photographed with BECK in the Church of scientology celebrity center on Tamarind and Franklin by the Shangri-lodge where I lived in 99/2000

THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN: Since the scientologists were running programs on me and everyone around me, I never found a girl the entire seven years I lived in L.A. I collected lots of action figures, sang songs for an audience of me, and buried my interest in other such hobbies, all the while maintaining a certain naiveté and likeability which shows up in Steve Carrel's character.

THE O.C.: A character turned up on the O.C. named Matt Ramsey. Matt Ramsey is someone I know from Catonsville Maryland. I named a character after him in the screenplay I was writing about a character named Paul Roam based on a known scientologist celebrity.

STRANGER THAN FICTION: A lonely but noble loser named Harold Krick is driven mad by the sound of a woman's voice in his head, talking about him and not to him as is the case with paranoid-schizophrenia. It turns out that he's a character in someone's book, and the voice is that of the author reading his story. The character is fated to die and the writer compromises her story when she realizes he's the kind of person that deserves to live. This may have been a message to me, deceptive or otherwise. (This one cemented my suspicions that this was happening)

WEEDS: A bald black man named Conrad has an intimate but non-sexual relationship with a white woman from the suburbs. Their relationship has to do with certain natural herbs that help people figure things out, (which scientology doesn't want us to know. Shame on them!) and she eventually married a D.E.A. agent. I had a similar relationship with a friend of mine who's wedding ceremony I actually helped perform. She married A man from her hometown who is not a D.E.A. agent, but none-the-less the basis for the show's D.E.A. agent Scottson. I'm pretty sure that her brother was the basis for the characters oldest son "Silas."

Shane Botwin's monologue from the season 2 finale may have been inspired by a posting I've since deleted from this MYSPACE, or from wiretapped conversations between me and my friend where I rail against surveillance and the criminalization of natural herbs.

I deleted the afore-mentioned posting because at the time I had "realized" that I was being spied on by scientology and not the Government, but then I think of Sonny Bono and worry that Scientology may have worked its way inside our Government, because domestic spying, globalization, the war in Iraq are damned convenient for them as well as Halliburton.* (Again, I'm quite certain now that our government has been breached.)

These are examples I've recently discovered. They were after me for a long time so there may be others.If you stack these concepts on top of one another (combine them), an even clearer image of how these products are derived from ZEK LIGHTNING surveillance develops like a Polaroid.

Someone fell in love with my soul and has been trying desperately to steal it. Will Farrell and half assed comedies really aren't up to my standards. I'd rather have my privacy invaded by Robert Altman or the Cohen Bros.

By the way, I want to thank Joel and Ethan for one of the better moments in The Lady Killers in which Tom Hanks is stricken down by a Gargoyle and hauled off on a freighter with the rest of the garbage.

The rest of this film like everything since the big change does not do them Justice, but that moment sure meant a lot to me.

Rumor has it that Spielberg's a camel man. He's also a big cheese at Universal Studios.

Universal Studios is also a theme park, and I abused the hell out of that "buy a day get a year free promotion."

I was going there everyday. I'd sit on a studio tram and eat like a slob throughout the entire tour.

My presence alone upsets certain people, or maybe I feel that way because scientology has been working me for so long.

I was quiet, alone and rarely smiled. That doesn't mean I wasn't happy.

My point is that someone at universal may have gotten so sick of my face that they did a cursory check on my lifestyle and purchasing patterns and sicked the dogs on me.

I sent a flirtatious message to someone on myspace who listed scientologists as people she wanted to meet.

I said, "normally I hate scientologists but its such a turn on."

I was like you. I didn't think it was really any to fear. I thought Christian's were just as annoying and brainwashed.

Scientology is something that the United States Of America must rise above and protect itself from.

Among the far fetched Ideas I have about how this ordeal may be linked to a neo-con Mexican Bush Saudi scientology 911 war in Iraq globalization brainwashing takeover of American independence that controls all forms of media and art allowed to enter the mainstream culture is that people writing Marvel comics are involved.True Marvel will always remain the spiritual property of Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, John Romita, Jim Shooter etc. Therefore I will always love Marvel comics, but I had stopped collecting them when I was sixteen.

The comics I was reading when the incident Occurred were bookstore compilations like the league of extraordinary Gentlemen and paperback reprints of Doctor Strange , X-men, and Batman from the silver age. After I got desperate and went to a comics store I was hooked immediately. Just recently I bought an issue of Iron Man.

In the back story it talks about how he was implanted with a chip that enabled some evil doer to control his mind and cause a tragic catastrophe, which of course explains why he's enough of a self hating guilt ridden asshole to wage a pro-registration war against his own friends and loved ones. Forgive me. I do love this stuff.

My point is that I didn't know anything about this Iron Man Story before I read about it almost a year after screaming about a chip being planted in my skull all the way to the emergency room continuously until was given prescription medicine to treat sleep depravation and paranoia. This was where I made a huge mistake.

When I recovered from the sleep deprivation it all seemed like a dream. Therefore I accepted other people's theories about everything being a result of sleep depravation.

I went back to L.A. and discovered otherwise.I left early the second time. I gave them no opportunity to drug or keep me awake any longer than.....3 months....now that I think about it. That's a pretty long time to be around these people.

This was an apartment building filled with non English speaking immigrants. I do not exaggerate. There was also the constant sound of an office of some kind coming from somewhere.

All day I every day I heard someone's name on an intercom system and someone saying "line 1" after a beep.

Anyway, if I'm right and they've got Marvel Comics, then they've got everything.

I've also made direct eye contact with the voice of BART SIMPSON Nancy Cartwright who I passed on the sidewalk as she was entering the church of Scientology Celebrity center to give a seminar.

I know it was her because she was walking right next to a poster of herself on an easel promoting the seminar. This may have happened more than once. (maybe on purpose)

Scientology pays strict attention to outside observers. I can see more clearly now than ever that THE SHANGRI-LODGE is a Scientology conditioning center. Those of us who cannot be conditioned are killed.

Nice try Miscavige. Are you the one who killed Hubbard and made the deal with Mexico so that you could fulfill you're fantasy of commanding an actual army?Just as your spokesman Tom Cruise so often says. People ARE interested Scientology.

One of the peole involved who may have the computer know-how to do hack into my account and tamper with this blog is MYSPACE USER;"THEIF IN THE NIGHT." I met him at the same party CARLOS attended.

I heard through my chip that he was one of the original conspirators.



It went on for awhile. Not only did I not realize that I was on the phone with THEIF IN THE NIGHT's ex girlfriend's brother who actually was an illegal immigrant (who at a later point lured my friends and Carlos to a fly-by-night office in a strange building to see a "Presentation." It was reported that Carlos said the word "No." when asked what he thought of the presentation. Him saying "no" to make it look as though he didn't agree with the experience was likely part of the presentation. I'll say it again. This is Scientology. THIS-IS-WHAT-THEY-DO! They confuse and manipulate. That presentation was probably a Scientology drill. This may be the day they all became ass-holes. I wasn't there. I was living in L.A. at the time. ) ,

-But at the time I was actually making fun of people who hate foreigners. At the time I was like every other liberal. You defend people who endure persecution.

THEIF IN THE NIGHT'S ex girlfriend was seriously offended. I didn't bother to apologize because I was used to being around people who understood my sense of humor as opposed to illegal immigrant Scientologists who are part of a conspiracy to overthrow the united states of America.

Now that I see how you treat people who say things you don't like because you don't understand what they're actually saying, I agree with the Character portrayed in my ironic rant pertaining to the subject of illegal immigration in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

We believe in freedom of speech. These good catholics tried to kill me. Hunter S.Thompson often described them as "good vicious catholics." I can now say from experience that he was absolutely right, and that these same assholes probably figured out a way to kill him and make it look as though he commited scuicide.

This is Scientology. THIS-IS-WHAT-THEY- DO.

Perhaps the Mexicans were angry about the way Oscar Zeta Acosta was depicted in his most famous novel "Fear ANd Loathing In LAS VEGAS."

Perhaps he was killed because he was a Liberal who loved his country, and would've sounded the alarm when he felt it dissapearing.

THIEF IN THE NIGHT'S MYSPACE profile image is the back of his head. He's from San Francisco. At one time or another he worked for Fleischman Field Research. This company may be linked to Scientology. They are a market research company after all.

The one thing I've got going for me is that my very powerful enemies are ridiculously stupid. That must be what they mean by "Clear."

Is it wrong for me to insult someone's religion? You bet. This is not a religion. The religious angle is just a small part of an elaborate and multi-layered veneer.

These are terroists attacking America. I piss all over them.

Being thier Target is the most flattering thing in the world.

I hadn't seen Conspiracy theory with Mel Gibson before this year. I avoided it because I hate Mel Gibson. Remember what I said about religious assholes?

It seems to be on a regular rotation now, and it follows the incredible Patty Hearst film Paul Schrader made which deals with brainwashing and conditioning.

There's a film called stay with ewan Mccgreggor. I haven't seen this one but the couple of scenes I have seen look like I.M.P.s trying to figure out what's happening to them.

I could swear I heard someone in Target on Route 24 in abingdon say "Is that Shane Botwin?!" as she pointed, giggling to herself, Referring to the fact that Shane Botwin's graduation monologue from the season finale of weeds season 2 was inspired by one of my postings.

I'm aware of how conceited and insane this makes me sound. I cannot speak of such things and produce any other reaction, and this why they are able to do these things. I know it doesn't seem likely, but I'm not crazy.Maybe it didn't mean what I think it means but I didn't make that up. It did happen. I don't know.

Some really awful people did a job on me. That's the reason I'm this in-comprehensible creature.

You are meant to disbelieve this internet weirdo whose views on immigration appear to be racist, and I am meant be driven more and more insane as I discover that no one will ever believe me.I'll be the only one who knows, and this knowledge will separate me from the rest of the world until the day I die, because I'll be so angry at this world full of people who refuse to believe anything but the major network nonsense, that I'll want nothing to do with anyone. I'm going to do everything in my power to prevent this glimpse into my future from being realized.

A scientologist who reaches the top level is said to feel as though he or she has more control of the outside world.

I have this power because I am not a scientologist, and even though they can kill me, they can't make me a camel-man.

I know that there no such things as fucking Thetans, so for me to have anything in common with people who actually did willingly participate in the sickness that is scientology, IE voices in my head, People talking about me is if they're watching me, but how can they see me?

Where are the cameras?

You won't find cameras, they're using thermal imaging.

"Can you record these people the next time you hear them outside your apartment chanting?"

They won't give me the chance now. They have me under surveillance. They can transmit sound directly into my skull. They use this technology to make people think they're hearing Thetans.

They made me think I had supersonic hearing. Its all here people!

Are there any other unaffected people out there?

Are there any more survivors?

Is everything gone?

Do these assholes run the world? Not me. That's something I can prove.

The world is more interesting and amazing than people realize. Some things are both amazing and cruel.

My novel is to be called "DAYBREAK AT BLOOM IN THE VALLEY."

Sometime after I came up with this title a television show called "Daybreak" Starring Taye Diggs appeared. I never saw an episode of the show, and I'm not going to, but I believe the premise had something to do with time displacement and some kind of circumstantial uncertainty.

Being harassed by scientologists is a lot like a certain style of film, and "CAPE FEAR" is one of the best examples of that style. You know your life is being threatened but you can't explain it to anyone. The Police can't do anything because you may not technically be able to describe a crime such as:"These people have been keeping me awake and brainwashing me. They stand outside my apartment- Etc.

I tried explaining this to a drunken Los Angeles Police officer. They were both drunk. One had the kind of bad skin I associate with inbred southern remedial education, and a look on his face that said "smash-your-nigger-skull". The other was taller and a little like the dancing outlaw.

I repeat, both were very drunk and told me that the people I called them to protect me from had not broken any laws.They broke a million laws. So did these drunk driving billy clubbin dip-shit cops.

I suspect that I may have been patched into a fake Police station and that the drunken officers were actually Scientologists. It's just as likely that the entire L.A.P.D. is made up of Scientologists.Scientology may be part of standard police training. If this is true, than the crooked Pastor being brainwashed isn't far-fetched at all.

We’re expecting some Muslims to blow up buildings because we are meant to. Scientology has allied itself with Mexico and possibly others. They have breached our Government and the nation is being over-run.

They are using brainwashing, hypnosis, sleep deprivation and complicated forms of torture perfected by Scientology during the last 57 years. These are called "programs".

They are using advanced technological war-fare on American civilians. I have a fucking chip in my head!

I'm a Black/Irish-Italian American art-school drop-out with no criminal record or history of mental illness.

They are doing this to lots of people. I'm not alone, but I'm the only one who knows that SCIENTOLOGY and THE MEXICAN ARMY are responsible for this phenomenon.

Scientology exploited the hurricane Katrina disaster by showing up and performing heroic gestures. It’s wonderful that these people got help, (did they? Their rights are probably being stripped away by Scientology right now.), but getting help from Scientology is like Getting help from Osama Bin Laden.

Scientology is Bin Laden. Scientology and the Mexicans are the reason that the President of the United States and F.E.M.A. were completely unprepared for a disaster that was forecast on every major news program well before it arrived. Another group of "heroes" that arrived on the scene were Mexicans. More accurately, they were Mexican soldiers!

Mexican soldiers on a American soil just in time to join Scientology to save us from a disaster we would’ve been prepared for if these bastards hadn’t breached our government. Our government would have to be breached in order for these 3 things, the failure of our Government, The Staged "heroism" of Scientology. The staged "Heroism" of Mexican soldiers. Mexican soldiers haven't been on American soil since the 1800s.

We cannot give these illegal immigrants Amnesty! We must send them all home.

They are not here to join the great American melting pot.

Look at the incompetence of this administration. Look at the corruption of this administration. This administration is un-American. This is not an American administration.

Bill Clinton worked with the Scientologists in Germany to please John Travolta (a scientologist) who portrayed him in a film called Primary Colors. It’s possible that this is where they entered the white-house.

We need to Impeach Bush and Cheney immediately and strip them of there power. We need to overturn all of their initiatives and re-evaluate every major change thats taken place since they stole that first election from Al Gore. There was some sort of Trade agreement Bush signed in 2005 that gave away our nations independance. Our President has comitted an act of treason. If we are to save our nation from this conspiracy, then this agreement must be overturned. resident Bush does not make decisions with a sound mind. He is altered. He is warped and twisted.

Read my blog. Read all of it! I got singled out by them in L.A.

I figured out who was responsible and what was happening and they tried to kill me. I’m not crazy and I’m not joking. All of this is true.

We are all under their influence. Scientologists, Mexicans, Bushes, Saudis, Globalization, Cheney, Halliburton. Open your eyes.

I’m not crazy, I’m the wisest asshole on the fucking planet right now, and we shall all be fucked forever if you (you being anyone who isn’t part of this attack that reads this blog.) refuse to believe me.

If they have breached our government than all we have is each other. I’m talking to my fellow Americans and honest immigrants.

I’m trying to save my country and these people want to hurt me for it.

I explain myself when I choose to speculate, but everything I’ve written in this blog is true.

My blog is the most important text in the world right now because I’m the only one who knows. The public must be brainwashed because all of this is so fucking obvious! Its up to us to save our country.

Do not house illegal immigrants.

Do not employ illegal immigrants.

Do not accept scientology.

Do not trust Bush/Cheney.

Shit! George McGovern’s still alive! Put his ass in the white house. Get Jimmy Carter.

These people killed Hunter S.Thompson, because he would’ve figured this out. I figured it out.

I’m trying to save my life and my country, and if you insist that I’m some crackpot than you’re a fucking asshole. I prefer more formal language but I can not afford that luxury.

What do we do? Impeach Bush. Send the Mexicans home. Dismantle scientology. Bring home our troops, and make sure they haven’t been brainwashed to attack their own country.

America is under attack. Our government has been breached. I am no crack-pot. I am America’s unlikely savior. But I have no power if my American people of all ethnicities and persuasions are not with me.

I love you. I love you all. I love my country and I demand it back!

We don’t need violence, but we must stop them. We must stop them now! (I write more about this in the blog posting :SCIENTOLOGISTS IMPERSONATE FEDERAL AGENTS)

I know there are no such things as Thetans. I don't beleive in ghosts. I don't believe that any aliens have landed. I'm not religious. I'm not a paranoid schizophrenic. These bastards have been using a chip to fire sound into my head.

Just imagine how I must feel when no one believes me. I'm someone whose friends were always able to count on him. That's how I've held onto my freinds for 18 years.

Why am I being treated like somebody who became a crack-head/heroine addict, robbed a seven eleven, or killed a child in a drunk-driving accident?

I'm none of those things.I'm a fun-loving liberal art school drop-out who pissed off the scientologists. They tried to kill me. It backfired. I got away and now I know what they don't want you to know.

Whenever I remember something new, I write it down and post it. Read my blog. My blog can save this country. My friends and my people can save this country.I'm not a Patriot. My love of America is a great deal more sincere and half my ancestors endured slavery. Talk to me. Ask me questions. We have to help each other now. We can't trust anyone. I don't even trust Obama, and I'm dying to love this guy.

"It's too early to do anything right now" I hear this through my implant sometimes. To what does it refer?

I don't know, but we're all going to find out if I am ignored. Even if you can't believe me, respect as a fellow human being. Read my blog. Hear me out. Tell your friends about the insane freak on the inter-net trying desperatley to save America.


The riddle of Jarmusch’s “Broken Flowers”…is that everyone Bill Murray knows is a scientologist or NSA operative who’s job is to keep his life contained by an operation.

He has clearly been judged for violating the belief system of the voyeurs in his life….and they feel he must be punished.

Clearly…..they are all in on it.

Winston, all the women, as well as the young men playing his “sons”.

He is a victim of covert harassment.

The film is about a mind control program.

They even had goons stationed at the one woman’s house to beat him up for asking the question he was in fact sent by all of them to ask.

At his next stop he meets a nurse.

He is being conditioned to feel guilt that isn’t rightfully his.

Maybe the screenwriter has been through a program.

The character never understands what happened to him….So maybe the writer never understood the experience that inspired this story….but I understand it perfectly.

This is being done to thousands of people across the United States.

The first amendment has been violated. Civil rights have been breached on a massive scale.

Someone in a position of some power is very guilty.

I say “Domestic spying” is a good place to start looking…..as well as who may have been contracted to implement domestic spying.

At the end of the film…Bill Murray discovers that one of the women on his list is dead.

He visits her at the cemetery.

He feels that he is responsible…because they want him to suffer,


There is no dead woman. It’s a form of psychological torture.

That’s how it works. That’s what they do.

That’s whose running America right now.

Religious assholes…judging people and punishing them…with laws that “congress shall not pass” according to our first amendment Right.

The Bush administration is in power.

The Bush administration must be responsible.

They must “go now…and sin no more.”

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